Classic and Contemporary Works of Spiritual Illumination
Classic and Contemporary Works of Evolutionary Literature

The Word 1964-65

Marie S. Watts
Retail price: 
5.5 x 8.5

"There is only one way in which this writing could possibly be done, and that is by listening, hearing, and writing what I hear"

–– Marie S. Watts

“Why is it that throughout the ages the enlightened ones have seemed to have to suffer and die?” “Why is it that some of us seem to have so much difficulty and take so long to awaken, while others seem to awaken more quickly and with little trouble?”

These are a few of the questions addressed by Marie Watts, author of this fifth book of monthly letters sent to students of the Ultimate, a spiritual teaching based on the absolute Truth that God is All, All is God.

Marie was divinely led to share her deepest spiritual unfoldments with students through these monthly letters. In describing how they are written, she says:
There is nothing in my educational background that could possibly have been a preparation for this activity … There is only one way in which this writing could possibly be done, and that is by listening, hearing, and writing what I hear … More often than not, the words are inaudible. Yet I hear them—there is no mistake about that.

The spiritual Truth flowing forth from her enlightened Consciousness inspires and uplifts; yet it is ever practical in all areas of our experience, including government, human relationships, health, supply, and much more.

Throughout the writings, she expresses her great joy in hearing how students are raising their awareness and experiencing enlightenment and healing.

This is the purpose of The Word, and the reader will surely rejoice with her as the fulfillment of this purpose is realized.

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