Classic and Contemporary Works of Spiritual Illumination
Classic and Contemporary Works of Evolutionary Literature

Success Is Normal - Just Be Your Self - Your Eternal Identity

Marie S. Watts
Retail price: 
5.5 x 8.5

“... Approach the individual from the standpoint of the Universe instead of approaching the Universe from the standpoint of the individual ... ”

This book includes three of Marie Watts’ writings: Success Is Normal, Just Be Your Self, and Your Eternal Identity.

Readers of this book will likely agree with Marie Watts’ assessment that “you may be stirred to the very depths of your being.” She points out that we must “see” properly before changes may occur, and this requires the right perspective. Looking out at the Universe from the perspective of the little “I,” we seem to experience discords because our viewpoint is limited and incomplete. The author says it is much like looking through the wrong end of a telescope—the view is greatly diminished.

When we “approach the individual from the standpoint of the Universe instead of approaching the Universe from the standpoint of the individual,” the author assures us we shall realize that the Universe, God, and the individual is One, and we suddenly grasp the fact that all that is true of God is true of the individual!

As always, Marie Watts speaks from the Absolute but with the complete assurance of Its practical manifestation in daily life. These changes in perspective naturally lead one through an awakening of consciousness into greater freedom and the unlimited potential which begins to be apparent.

Her message is one of great promise:

“Reader, you will find in this message a call to come up higher. Your upward steps have been leading to this fuller revelation. The long search is drawing to an end. The revelation of the Ultimate is present for those who are prepared to receive this glorious Light.”

Other books by this author: